I highly enjoyed the game, it's been pretty fun.
The stylistic/thematic choices are very odd but nonetheless appealing. The drawings are gothic, dark with thick black outlines, and tend to kinda blur across in bold strokes, I can't tell if that's an issue of improper texture scaling or a stylistic choice that they don't look as sharp as they seem to be drawn, but it works nonetheless. The music is very smooth and nice on the ears, It's rather epic and orchestral, with very good use of naturalistic samples of instruments which don't seem to give off a synthesized vibe. The gameplay and balancing seem to be in a pretty solid place and I already can see quite a lot of potential for buildcrafting, best one I got so far is probably the 2-3 hit dagger being combo'd well with coins, which fed into the idea of having a rouge/brigand archetype, loved it. On the whole the game made want to play through it several times over, which is the primary thing which rougelikes can be regarded by.
I have two major complaints, one is pratical and another more philosophical. The game is very un-polished in some areas, which could be chalked up to it being a demo (default godot particles, fonts, menu bars, music just turns off after the first fight for me), and also the fact that, personally, I really don't think this game would be something I'd be willing to pay a premium for and dedicate a lot of time to, I'm sorry. The reason is that the gameplay just isn't very advanced or strategic to warrant having full undivided attention to it. Trinkets and ways to alter the outcome of a dice roll are fun, but in certian combinations of builds or dumb luck you can end up with a lot of turns where you don't get a whole lot of leeway to make use of these. You only get so many special dies, and you can only draw so many from your bag. I think the way this could be remedied is by making the drawing pseudorandom, thus ensuring that you draw at least 1-2 things which aren't a basic white die each turn, because when you get a board full of white dies (and that heavily depends on luck of your meta-progression through the map and the individual turn) the game's strategy just evaporates entirely and the experience turns into pure RNG.
P.S- you should consider porting your game to mobile as the format is very suited for it, and there isn't really a good premium-price mobile contender for rougelikes.