It's rather cute and spry.
The gameplay loop is rather solid. Going around the map and seeking stuff to upgrade your equipment, fight enemies and overall level up before a fight you choose to engage with yourself keeps the game quick and lively. I also like the variety of items with effects and meaningful, palpable stat changes. The vector-based artstyle while generic is executed decently well in the sense of the environment feeling rich and enemies moving about rather naturally, albeit some attacks could use extra animations. The bosses were decent and varied.
I also want to pat you on the back for realizing how the game wouldn't be fun if you could draw aggro of several enemy squads at once so they relent rather easily.
There is quite a lot you could improve upon through. The autoattack system is a bit of a snore overall but is compounded by the fact it seems to be rather janky. The enemy priority is unorthodox and it can be frustrating to have something up in your face and only have the melee attack to handle it, when most enemies outrange you or shoot projectiles. The balancing is odd, where at later stages even after investing all my levels into my HP a generic slime cleanly snapped my head off with a single projectile with no room for me to react because of..
The camera is not great. It had a nasty habit of heavily lagging behind the character, where it would take about 10-15 seconds for it to "catch up" and adjust. This is the most obtrusive issue and I am not entirely sure why it happens.