
5 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 23 Reviews

Very glad to see there characters again.

If newgrounds, and by extension, the internet, was filled exclusively with high-quality original abstract works of art similar to yours we'd have a creative utopia, but I guess a glimpse into what can be will suffice.

For now.

thecooldrawingguy responds:

Thanks for the kind words, man

I can't honestly take a stab at critiquing this.

I can see that you put your heart and soul into it man, even if it is a bit simplistic.
I do enjoy the smooth exaggerated animation with lots of variance in styles complementing the musical scores.

thecooldrawingguy responds:

Thank you so much!!

Honestly of you want to draw something weeabo this looks 1 to 1 like an overplayed scene from a professional anime, if someone told me you stole a few frames from a commercial works and posted them as your own I'd easily believe it.

Edit: It looks like a frame from an anime, no joke. I don't say you stole it, I am saying it looks extremely professional and has a certain style.

MachiToons responds:

Its an animation practice, i didnt trace or hell even used any reference. (probaply shouldve that apple is oddly tomato looking)

thanks for the reply!

That is really cute.
I was waiting for a dark existential twist, but to be honest I happy there wasn't one.

HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

So glad you like it : D

One of the things I was worried about working on this was how twisted the fact Pac-Man is being killed over and over again was for his anniversary xD

4 out of "Tall in height, fallic in shape"
Exactly what I expect from newgrounds.

SteakstixAnimations responds:

Hahaha wouldn’t have it any other way!

Like to imagine myself as a critic

Dmitriy @CrudeWax


Siberian forest shack

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